GG Godwin, Sutler wishes to announce he is importing a complete line of items useful to the military man; such as muskets, bayonets, leather goods, uniforms, cocked hats, and diverse sorts of brazen sundries, &c., all done in the neatest manner. Those gentleman who favor him with their custom, may depend on their work being dispatched and their favors gratefully acknowledged, by their very humble servants at G Gedney Godwin Inc..
Within these pages you will find a collection of 18th century militaria ranging from a whisk and pick to a musket. In between are all the accoutrements of a soldier of that period - many but not all of them.
The majority of these items are hand-made or, at least, hand fitted and finished. None are cheap, for we long ago discovered real quality must be paid for. Please remember these are highly specialized items, not always in stock, because they are hand made, as a hobby, by craftsmen who do it in their spare time. We will advise you if there will be any serious delay in filling orders. Thank you for visiting our site, and allowing us to serve the living history community for over 50 years!
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